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  • Reptile pets benefit from yearly health examinations. Regular veterinary care, to prevent problems before they occur, is necessary to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life. Intestinal parasites and/or underlying health problems may only be identified by your veterinarian during a yearly exam.

  • Small exotic mammals are well known for hiding symptoms of illness until late in a disease course. Yearly health examinations are essential to uncover health issues before it is too late. Blood tests, radiographs and/or fecal tests may be recommended during an annual exam.

  • Birds of all species are innately designed to hide symptoms of illness until later stages of a disease process. Any signs of a change in appetite or behavior should be brought to the attention of an avian veterinarian. If an avian patient stops eating, this becomes a life-threatening situation quickly.

  • A cat that does not want to eat, or is not eating, is a cat with a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Many conditions can lead to the inability of your cat to eat or lose her appetite completely. It is important to find the underlying cause so that an appropriate treatment plan can be created. Appetite stimulants may be prescribed, and in some cases, a feeding tube may be placed by your veterinarian. Decreased food intake or any change in eating habits warrants investigation by your veterinarian.

  • A dog that does not want to eat, or is not eating, is a dog with a potentially life-threatening medical condition. Many conditions can lead to the inability of your dog to eat or lose his appetite completely. It is important to find the underlying cause so that an appropriate treatment plan can be created. Appetite stimulants may be prescribed, and in some cases, a feeding tube may be placed by your veterinarian. Decreased food intake or any change in eating habits warrants investigation by your veterinarian.

  • Separation Anxiety in Dogs

    La ansiedad por separación afecta a perros que están demasiado unidos o son demasiado dependientes de la familia. Cuando se separan de los propietarios se vuelven extremadamente ansiosos y manifiestan signos de estrés en forma de conducta destructiva, vocalización (ladridos), micción y defecación inadecuadas (hacer sus necesidades dentro de casa) o inactividad.

  • Anthrax is a bacterial infection that rarely affects cats. It is not a new infection but has been revisited due to concerns about bioterrorism. Infection in cats usually occurs through ingestion of infected carcasses, causing clinical signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling of the face and neck. Treatment is highly effective in the early stages of infection.

  • Anthrax is a bacterial infection that can affect dogs if exposed to large amounts of bacterial-produced spores such as by terrorist attack or ingesting large quantities from infected meat. The organism that causes anthrax, Bacillus anthracis, produces spores that are resistant to typical disinfection methods and heat. These spores can last up to 40 years in the environment. Anthrax is usually spread through inhalation or ingestion of spores from infected meat, although cutaneous exposure can occur. Symptoms depend on the type of exposure and can include: black skin pustules, pneumonia, acute gastroenteritis with hemorrhagic vomiting and diarrhea, oral ulcerations, fever, weight loss, swelling of the neck, face and head and ultimately sepsis and death if not treated. Treatment requires antibiotics and can be highly effective in early stages. There currently is no canine vaccine.

  • Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections are bacterial infections that are minimally or no longer responsive to commonly used antibiotics. Although these bacterial infections occur naturally, the frequent and/or inappropriate use of antibiotics accelerates the process. Cats with certain medical conditions may also be predisposed.

  • Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections are bacterial infections that are minimally or no longer responsive to commonly used antibiotics. Although these bacterial infections occur naturally, the frequent and/or inappropriate use of antibiotics accelerates the process. Dogs with certain medical conditions may also be predisposed.